Healthcare You Can Trust With An OBGYN In Orange County

Details of a dad, mom and toddler placing hands on mom's pregnant bump

Adulting comes with many responsibilities, and taking yourself to the doctor is probably among the least pleasant. However, it’s also one of the most important! Regarding your health, finding a great doctor to work with you as a trusted partner is absolutely critical. An OBGYN in Orange County brings their expertise, reassuring bedside manner, and compassionate care to every birth. If you’re ready to find a new doctor, then keep reading! 

Get the Care You Deserve With an OBGYN in Orange County

Orange County OBGYN

355 Placentia Avenue, Suite 302, Newport Beach, CA 92663

Orange County OBGYN provides outstanding medical care to women in every phase of life. Their team (consisting of 2 physicians and a nurse practitioner) spends extra time with every patient to ensure they understand every option available, empowering patients to be active in their medical decision-making. They are also careful not to overbook, meaning they almost always run on time for appointments and procedures! 

A young boy hugs the bump of his pregnant mom while in a park at sunset

Orange Coast Women’s Medical Group

(Seven OC locations) 

Orange Coast Women’s Medical Group believes in building lasting relationships with each of its patients, ensuring that every person they care for can confidently make the right medical decisions. Their team of board-certified OBGYNs practices with compassion, integrity, and a commitment to excellence. Plus, they have all the resources of the world-renowned Hoag health system to ensure they can offer the best care possible! 


366 San Miguel Drive, #209, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Dr. Hind Dr. Al-Azawi is a passionate advocate for women’s health, and her commitment to providing compassionate care is at the heart of her private practice. Their office is equipped with the latest technology needed for a continuum of care in one convenient location, making prioritizing your health even easier. The practice also offers psychotherapy for patients in need of mental health support. 

Expecting parents hug while holding the sonogram in a park at sunset thanks to an OBGYN Orange County


415 Old Newport Blvd, Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92663

OBGYN CARE, led by Dr. Catalin Marinescu, offers comprehensive gynecological and obstetrical care and infertility care. Dr. Marinescu and his team are regarded for their expertise in minimally invasive surgery. At OBGYN CARE, they are always working to exceed patient expectations and provide the best possible outcomes. 

SoCal ObGyn

18111 Brookhurst St, Ste 4450, Fountain Valley, CA 92708

Dr. Minhal Mehta and her staff provide every patient with a truly individualized, attentive approach. She specializes in treating women with high-risk pregnancies, as well as those who have problems with fertility and conception. The practice is home to state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and treatment options to provide every patient with the best care possible. 

A pregnant mom stands with her husband holding their toddler son in a park after seeing an OBGYN Orange County

The Women’s Health Center

9940 Talbert Avenue, Suite 303. Fountain Valley, CA 92708

The Women’s Health Center’s doctors and nurse practitioners have provided excellent care to their patients for over 20 years. Their diverse and confident team delivers compassionate care in a safe, comfortable environment, always approaching their patients as real people first and foremost. 

A mom to be in a brown maternity dress stands in a park path smiling down to her bump after visiting an OBGYN Orange County

OBGYN Orange County

These OBGYNs in Orange County are some of the best in the area. Visit their websites to learn more about their providers and find the one that may work best for you. Adulting is hard, but you can do it – and you deserve the best healthcare team possible! 

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